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Global Spin


This text reveals the sophisticated techniques being used around the world by powerful conservative forces to try to change the way the public and politicians think about the environment. The author show how large corporations are using their influence to reshape public opinion, to weaken gains made by environmentalists, and to turn politicians against increased environmental regulation. The corporations’ techniques include employing specialized PR firms to set up front groups that promote the corporate agenda whilst posing as public-interest groups; creating “astroturf” – artificially created grassroots support for corporate causes; deterring public involvement by imposing SLAPPS (strategic lawsuits against public participation); getting corporate-based “environmental educational” materials into schools; and funding conservative think-tanks, which have persistently tried to cast doubt on the existence of environmental problems and to oppose stricter environmental regulations. In the media, corporate advertising and sponsorship are influencing news content, and industry-funded scientists are often treated as independent experts.This revised edition includes chapters about the business campaign to prevent action on global warming, and whether Greenpeace’s ideals are being compromised by “greenwash”.

Artikelnummer: 17776 Categorie: Tag:
Subtitel: The Corporate Assault on Environmentalism
Auteur: Beder, Sharon
Jaar: 2002
ISBN: 1903998093
Pagina's: 288
Taal: English
Uitgever: Green Books
Uitgever stad: London
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