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Leaving the 20th century


The Situationist International, who came to the fore during the Paris tumults of 1968, were revolutionary thinkers who continue to influence movements and philosophy into the twenty-first century. Mostly know for Guy Debord’s ‘The Society of the Spectacle’ as well as other key texts, the group was in fact hugely diverse and radical. In this new book McKenzie Wark explores the full range of the movement. At once an extraordinary counter history of radical praxis and a call to arms in the age of financial crisis and the resurgence of the streets Wark traces the group’s development from the bohemian Paris of the ’50s to the explosive days of May ’68, Wark’s take on the Situationists is biographically and historically rich, presenting the group as an ensemble creation, rather than the brainchild and dominion of its most famous member, Guy Debord. Roaming through Europe and the lives of those who made up the movement-including Constant, Asger Jorn, Michèle Bernstein, Alex Trocchi and Jacqueline De Jong-Wark uncovers an international movement riven with conflicting passions. She also follows the narrative beyond 1968 to show what happened after the movement disintegration exploring the lives and ideas of T.J. Clark, the Fourierist utopia of Raoul Vaneigem, René Vienet’s earthy situationist cinema, Gianfranco Sangunetti’s pranking of the Italian ruling class, Alice-Becker Ho’s account of the anonymous language of the Romany, Guy Debord’s late films and his surprising work as a game designer.

Artikelnummer: 43189 Categorie: Tags: ,
Subtitel: Situationist revolutions
Auteur: Wark, McKenzie
Jaar: 2024
ISBN: 9781804294864
Pagina's: 448
Taal: English
Uitgever: Verso
Uitgever stad: London
Verschijningsdatum: 2024-08-20
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