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Precarious Communism


How does one demonstrate the enduring relevance of a sacred text but to help it speak to present times? This is what churches do with the Bible and what Marxists do with the writings of Marx. Richard Gilman-Opalsky offers a book-length détournement of The Communist Manifesto as a loving blasphemy, as a grateful revolt, both for and against the original text. Gilman-Opalsky detourns the 1848 manifesto as an exploration of its ongoing applicability, as well as its failures, in relation to capitalism and its evolving crises. Precarious Communism explores long-form détournement as a tool for critical theory. But most importantly, Gilman-Opalsky’s new book is a mutant manifesto of its own that makes the case for an autonomist and millennial Marxism, for the many movements of precarious communism.

Artikelnummer: 27364 Categorie: Tag:
Subtitel: Manifest Mutations, Manifesto Detourned
Auteur: Gilman-Opalsky, Richard
Jaar: 2014
ISBN: 9781570272929
Pagina's: 148
Taal: English
Uitgever: Minor Compositions
Uitgever stad: London
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