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Sparking A Worldwide Energy Revolution


A worldwide struggle over who controls the sector, and for what purposes, is intensifying. “Green capitalism” is the word of the hour, and we’re being told that it’s finally time to “save the planet” in order to “save the economy.” But what we’re not being told—with a deafening silence—is that the next round of global class struggle has begun, with energy at its center, as a key means of production and subsistence.

Artikelnummer: 23767 Categorie: Tag:
Subtitel: Social Struggles in the Transition to a Post-petrol World
Auteur: Abramsky, Kolya
Jaar: 2009
ISBN: 9781849350051
Pagina's: 668
Taal: English
Uitgever: AK Press
Uitgever stad: Edinburgh
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