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The accursed share – volume I


In this book, Georges Bataille explores the connection between man’s religious and economic pursuits. By focusing in on such divergent practices as human sacrifice and ritualized warfare in Aztec society, the practice of “potlach” in native American tribes of the Pacific Northwest, Tibetan Lamaism, and the conflagrations of our most recent World Wars, the author seeks to overturn classical models of economics. Instead of economics being driven by individuals seeking to satisfy their personal needs, Bataille proposes that economics is actually a social process that seeks to destroy, excrete, and expend excess goods and services. His perspective centers around the idea that the systematic destruction and loss of goods and services is intimately connected to our age old struggle to attain the Beyond. The French philosopher Michel Foucault once stated that Bataille said what had never been said before. After reading this first volume of Bataille’s three volume work “The Accursed Share”, you can begin to understand why Foucault believed as he did.

Artikelnummer: 17037 Categorie: Tag:
Auteur: Bataille, Georges
Jaar: 1991
ISBN: 9780942299113
Pagina's: 197
Taal: English
Uitgever: Zone Books
Uitgever stad: New York
Verschijningsdatum: 1991-05-15
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