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The Fateful Triangle


“Given the current political conditions, these lectures on race, ethnicity, and nation, delivered by Stuart Hall almost a quarter of a century ago, may be even more timely today.”—Angela Y. Davis.
In this defining statement one of the founding figures of cultural studies reflects on the divisive, often deadly consequences of our contemporary politics of race and identity. As he untangles the power relations that permeate categories of race, ethnicity, and nationhood, Stuart Hall shows how old hierarchies of human identity were forcefully broken apart when oppressed groups introduced new meanings to the representation of difference.
Hall challenges us to find more sustainable ways of living with difference, redefining nation, race, and identity. “Stuart Hall bracingly confronts the persistence of race—and its confounding liberal surrogates, ethnicity and nation…This is a profoundly humane work that…finds room for hope and change.”—Orlando Patterson.
Stuart Hall’s written words were ardent, discerning, recondite, and provocative, his spoken voice lyrical, euphonious, passionate, at times rhapsodic and he changed the way an entire generation of critics and commentators debated issues of race and cultural difference.”—Henry Louis Gates, Jr.

Artikelnummer: 43449 Categorie: Tags: ,
Subtitel: Race, Ethnicity, Nation
Auteur: Hall, Stuart & Kobena Mercer (red.)
Jaar: 2021
ISBN: 9780674248342
Taal: English
Uitgever: Harvard University Press
Uitgever stad: Cambridge
Verschijningsdatum: 2021-01-12
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