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The Garden Of Peculiarities


Jesús Sepúlveda is a Chilean green anarchist with roots in Spain, Italy and Eugene, Oregon. His important work is both critical and inspirational, a human and plant-centered antidote to the globalist technocracy. Appearing for the first time in its English language edition, ‘The Garden of Peculiarities’ is considered by major anarchist thinkers to be the primary 21st century anarchist essay, in the way that Guy Debord’s ‘Society of the Spectacle’ influenced political thought in the late twentieth century.

Artikelnummer: 26445 Categorie: Tags: ,
Auteur: Sepulveda, Jesus
Jaar: 2005
ISBN: 9781932595086
Pagina's: 143
Taal: English
Uitgever: Feral House
Uitgever stad: Venice
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