Book presentation: Semiotics of the End
Boekpresentatie: Semiotics of the End (presentatie in het Engels)
Book presentation January 13: Alessandro Sbordoni about the (seemingly endless) end of capitalism. Start: 16:00, book launch, discussion, with music and drinks
Location: Fort van Sjakoo, Jodenbreestraat 24,1011 NK Amsterdam
“It is amidst yawns, more often than whimpers and cries, that the world ends.” – Alessandro Sbordini
Semiotics of the End: On Capitalism and the Apocalypse is an unreleased bundle of 13 scientific yet creatively written essays that reflect on both the thing that has to be changed as the people trying to change it. Through an analysis of emotion, meaning and dominant culture, Alessandro Sbordoni, on the 13th of January, will come to the Fort van Sjakoo, and ignite a discussion about his work and the applications it has for modern day changemakers.