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CICC – Court for Intergenerational Climate Crimes


The Court for Intergenerational Climate Crimes (CICC) is a collaboration between Framer Framed, Indian academic, writer, lawyer and activist Radha D’Souza and Dutch artist Jonas Staal. The project consists of a large-scale installation in the form of a tribunal that prosecutes intergenerational climate crimes. The aim of the CICC is to prosecute climate crimes committed by states and corporations, not only in the past and present, but also in the future. Central to this book is the first iteration of the project, commissioned and staged by Framer Framed, Amsterdam, during which public hearings were held against the Dutch State and transnational corporations registered in the Netherlands: Unilever, ING and Airbus.

Artikelnummer: 42662 Categorie: Tags: ,
Auteur: D'Souza, Radha & Jonas Staal (red.)
Jaar: 2024
ISBN: 9789083079349
Pagina's: 424
Taal: English
Uitgever: Framer Framed
Uitgever stad: Amsterdam
Verschijningsdatum: 2024-02-01
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