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Never Work: Essays Against the Sale of Life


Work or die is a threat presented as a choice. A few people claim to own the world. When we do not permit them to reap what we sow, they send their lackeys to starve us, imprison us, even kill us. They have succeeded in convincing many people that work is freedom, that it is good for us to toil so that they may profit. Yet from the first day they levied this threat, we have resisted.


Artikelnummer: 39439 Categorie: Tags: , ,
Auteur: Schuurman, Herman J & Thirion, André & Woodcock, George & Gibson, Tony & Vaneigem, Raoul & Perlman, Fredy & Zerzan, John & Hannah, Gerry & Baer, Freddie & Pepper, Margot & Ummfatik
Jaar: 2022
ISBN: 9781948501217
Pagina's: 288
Taal: English
Uitgever: Detritus Books
Uitgever stad:
Verschijningsdatum: 2022-07-29
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