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Posters for a Green New Deal


The Green New Deal is a comprehensive legislative plan to fight climate change, transition to a green-energy economy, clean up our air and water, and promote racial and economic equality through family-sustaining job opportunities. In its breadth and boldness, it’s a vision that mirrors President Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s original New Deal, implemented to pull the country out of the Great Depression in the 1930s. And just as Roosevelt and his administration used art, particularly posters designed by WPA artists, to rally support for the New Deal, here is a collection of 50 vibrant tear-out posters that celebrate the pillars of the Green New Deal, including environmental sustainability, renewable energy, equality, job creation, and community. The posters are designed by more than 40 illustrators representing a wide range of artistic styles–but all reflecting the urgency and passion of these issues. They are oversized, colorful, and visually striking. Perforated pages make them easy to tear out to hang or to use as signs at marches and demonstrations. The back of each poster features text explaining the issue and how the Green New Deal seeks to address it. The book also features a foreword by Massachusetts Senator Ed Markey, co-sponsor of the bill, and helpful resources for getting involved in the fight.


Artikelnummer: 41142 Categorie: Tag:
Subtitel: 50 Removable Posters to Inspire Change
Auteur: Creative Action Network
Jaar: 2022
ISBN: 9781523511464
Pagina's: 112
Taal: English
Uitgever: Van Ditmar
Uitgever stad: Amsterdam
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