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Social Ecology and the Rojava Revolution


Social Ecology and the Rojava Revolution is a collection of essays about social ecology and the ways it has taken root in Rojava (Western Kurdistan). Featuring texts from Murray Bookchin, Abdullah Öcalan, and activists involved in the struggle on the ground in North East Syria. This new edition features a foreword by Debbie Bookchin and is beautifully illustrated by Matt Bonner. A companion to Make Rojava Green Again, all proceeds from the sale of the book will support the work of the Internationalist Commune of Rojava.

Artikelnummer: 40652 Categorie: Tags: ,
Auteur: Bookchin, Murray Abdullah Öcalan
Jaar: 2023
Pagina's: 133
Taal: English
Uitgever: Dog Section Press
Uitgever stad: London
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