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The Red Hotel (paperback)


Philps sets out the way Stalin created his own reality by constraining and muzzling the British and American reporters covering the Eastern front during the war and forcing them to reproduce Kremlin propaganda. War correspondents were both bullied and pampered in a gilded cage of the Metropol Hotel. They enjoyed lavish supplies of caviar and had their choice of young women to employ as translators and to share their beds. While some of these translators turned journalists into robotic conveyors of Kremlin propaganda, others were brave secret dissenters who whispered to reporters the reality of Soviet life and were punished with sentences in the Gulag. Through the use of British archives and Russian sources, the story of the role of the women of the Metropol Hotel and the foreign reporters they worked with is told for the first time. With a riveting narrative very much in the same wheelhouse as Ben McIntyre’s Agent Sonya this revelatory story will finally lift the lid on Stalin’s operation to muzzle and control what the western allies’ writers and foreign correspondents knew of his regime’s policies to prosecute the war against Hitler’s rampaging armies from June 1941 onwards.

Beschikbaarheid: 2 op voorraad

Artikelnummer: 42510 Categorie: Tags: , ,
Subtitel: The Untold Story of Stalin's Disinformation War
Auteur: Philps, Alan
Jaar: 2024
ISBN: 9781035401338
Pagina's: 464
Taal: English
Uitgever: Headline Publishing Group
Uitgever stad:
Verschijningsdatum: 2024-02-01
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