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The Sociology of W. E. B. Du Bois


Du Bois provides a comprehensive introduction to the founding father of American sociological thought. Du Bois is now recognized as a pioneer of American scientific sociology and as someone who made foundational contributions to the sociology of race and to urban and community sociology. However, in this authoritative volume, noted scholars Jose Itzigsohn and Karida L. Brown provide a groundbreaking account of Du Bois’s theoretical contribution to sociology, or what they call the analysis of “racialized modernity.” Further, they examine the implications of developing a Du Boisian sociology for the practice of the discipline today. The full canon of Du Bois’s sociological works spans a lifetime of over ninety years in which his ideas evolved over much of the twentieth century. This broader and more systematic account of Du Bois’s contribution to sociology explores how his theories changed, evolved, and even developed to contradict earlier ideas. Careful parsing of seminal works provides a much needed overview for students and scholars looking to gain a better grasp of the ideas of Du Bois, in particular his understanding of racialized subjectivity, racialized social systems, and his scientific sociology. Further, the authors show that a Du Boisian sociology provides a robust analytical framework for the multilevel examination of individual-level processes-such as the formation of the self-and macro processes-such as group formation and mobilization or the structures of modernity-key concepts for a basic understanding of sociology.

Beschikbaarheid: 1 op voorraad

Artikelnummer: 41610 Categorie: Tag:
Subtitel: Racialized Modernity and the Global Color Line Click to enlarge The Sociology of W. E. B. Du Bois : Racialized Modernity and the Global Color Line
Auteur: Itzigsohn, Jose & Karida L. Brown
Jaar: 2020
ISBN: 9781479804177
Pagina's: 304
Taal: English
Uitgever: New York University Press
Uitgever stad: New York
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