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Towards a Conceptual Militancy


Towards a Conceptual Militancy is aimed at the interested art-viewing public, artists, the politically disillusioned, and readers of both European Philosophy, particularly of Speculative Realism/OOP, and Accelerationism. This book calls on the artist to mount a defence of subjective freedom in opposition to the twin objectifying factors of Science and Capital, personified by growing surveillance technology. Presenting the artistic declaration of freedom as exemplary of how the subject might circumvent its objectification, Towards a Conceptual Militancy brings art back into the social sphere following decades of cultural commodification.

Artikelnummer: 30108 Categorie: Tag:
Subtitel: Politicises art with a sense of immediacy
Auteur: Watson, Mike
Jaar: 2016
ISBN: 9781780992310
Pagina's: 104
Taal: English
Uitgever: Zero Books
Uitgever stad: London
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