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The Indispensable Zinn


When the historian Howard Zinn died in early 2010, millions mourned the loss of one of our foremost intellectual and political guides: a historian, activist, and truth-teller who, in the words of the New York Times’s Bob Herbert, “peel[ed] back the rosy veneer of much of American history.” Designed to highlight Zinn’s most important writings, The Indispensable Zinn includes excerpts from Zinn’s bestselling `A People’s History of the United States’; his memoir, `You Can’t Be Neutral on a Moving Train’; his inspiring writings on the civil rights movement; and the full text of his celebrated play `Marx in Soho’. Noted historian and activist Timothy Patrick McCarthy provides essential historical and biographical context for each selection.

Artikelnummer: 24658 Categorie: Tag:
Subtitel: The Essential Writings of the "People's Historian"
Auteur: Zinn, Howard
Jaar: 2011
ISBN: 9781595586223
Pagina's: 432
Taal: English
Uitgever: New Press
Uitgever stad: New York
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